Welcome to Kymaera's Home Page
What is it?
Kymaera is a Front End for Arcade Emulators. It was designed for use on
Arcade Cabinets and Kiosks,
but it will run just fine on your desktop PC as well.
Why should I use it?
Kymaera is a very feature - rich Front End. Feature-wise, very few other
Front Ends can compare. Here is a brief list of some of the features:
- Completely customizable using skins
- Supports multiple emulators - Any Emulator or application that can
be launched from the command line.
- Full Screen
- Re-mappable inputs for keyboard, joystick, mouse
- Configurable sounds
- Plays MP3's, OGG's, WAV's and several other sound formats
- Extremely easy setup
- Supports multiple Game lists and catagories of games
- Ability to mix games from different systems into a single game list
- Favorites list of games
- Horizontal and Vertical layouts for monitors
- Native support of Arcade monitors (15khz)
- Open Source (duh)
- Plays movie previews of games (avi, mpg)
- Windows , DOS and Linux versions
- Rotating wheel image previewer.
- Built in screen saver
Latest News:
The latest version of Kymaera is 2.0.2 and can be found on the
SourceForge Kymaera download page